Tids and bits

I’m sipping a glass of expensive wine. My fantastically compassionate husband said he didn’t care that the bottle that looked good to me (a 2004 Toscana) was $23. He recognized that at the end of a long and challenging day in the middle of a hard week, a woman who only gets a few ounces of wine should have the one she wants. It’s really, really, REALLY good.

I’m not even interested in writing about work or why I’m worn out today.

So moving on:

We went to the beach last weekend as guests of Gramma Avy and Poppy Steve (Avy’s new husband) to meet Steve’s kids and grandkids. The family shared a beautiful condo in Orange Beach, AL (or was it FL?) and besides sleeping a lot, I also SWAM (in the pool, not so much in the jellyfish-rich Gulf waters) and it felt A-MAY-ZING! Also, thanks to new step-brother-in-law Sam, identified the cause of Redbean’s occasional rhythmic tap-tap-tapping: hiccups. Once he said it was that, I thought, DUH! I just had not thought of it. Isn’t that crazy? Really, it’s an annoying feeling, but thankfully it never lasts long, and now that I know what it is, it’s kind of cute.

While on our trip, we used the gift certificate from Nona and Pawpaw (my parents) to purchase Redbean’s crib and the box was actually waiting for us when we arrived at home on Monday night. The mattress is on its way too thanks to Poppy Steve.  It’s still in the box, probably until after my work trip to San Diego this weekend. But it’s here – we’re that close! And just in time, the knit baby blanket is all finished – picture soon. It’s just beautiful and completely squishy wonderful.

And in childbirth class, we practiced positions for labor.

*yawn* Time for t.v. then sleep, such as it is, when you have a giant belly to haul over every time you want to turn.

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